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Shared Services

Shared Services

Human Resources

IFAS is a dynamic work place.  The professional Human Resources team is available to assist you with your HR questions and staffing needs.  The services provided by the HR team include:

Processing all electronic personnel action forms (EPAFs) for all categories of employees to include:

  • Graduate students (GA)
  • PostDoc and PreDoc Fellowships
  • OPS (OPS job codes) (OPS Job classifications and hours limits: Information can be found here for non-student OPS and here for current OPS employees)
  • Student Assistant (STAS) employment processing
  • TEAMS recruitment (posting positions, managing applicant pools), hires, job changes, and terminations
  • Faculty hires, job changes

FMLA guidance and processing

Special Pay Increases (SPI) and reclassifications


  • Retirement
  • Resignations

Cash out processing

J-1 Immigration processing for visitors and employees

Helpful Links